I was born in Jerusalem in 1939. I graduated with a B. Sc. degree in Agriculture from the Faculty of Agriculture in Rehovot (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) in 1963. In 1972 I received a M.Sc. degree in "Food Engineering and Biotechnology" from the Technion in Haifa Israel, the title of my thesis being "Examination of the nutritive value of poultry manure for poultry".
Between 1979 and 1981 I spent 2 years of research at the Federal Research Center of Agriculture (FAL), Institute of Grassland and Forage Research, Braunschweig, Germany, where I studied the chemical and nutritive changes during fermentation of wheat for silage.
In 1985 I received a Ph.D. in Animal Nutrition at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, the title of my thesis being "Chemical and Nutritive Changes During Fermentation of Wheat for Silage".
I have spent sabbaticals at:
Kansas State University, Department of Animal Sciences and Industry, with Prof. K.K. Bolsen (Research subject: Top Spoilage Losses in Horizontal Silos)
The Brazilian Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Research Organization (EMBRAPA) Sao Carlos, SP, Brazil, with Dr. R. Wanderley (Research subject: Conservation of Agricultural By-Products for Ruminants Feeding)
The Agricultural Western Australia, Dairy and Apiculture Industry Development Program, WA, Australia, (research subject: Improving methods of conserving pasture as silage).
I recently took sabbatical leave to teach a graduate students class on forage preservation during the fall semester, with Professor Vivien. G. Allen, (August 2002 - December 2002).
In addition I have traveled widely, my most recent assignments being to the Phillipines (2003) and Japan (2005) where I gave lectures at research institutes and Universities in each country.
In 2003 I was invited to the FAO Rome for 3 months where I was a consultant on forage preservation in developing countries.
In 1964 I established the "Feed Quality Control Department in the Ministry of Agriculture, Israel, and I headed this Department until 1979, when I was asked to set up a "Forage Preservation and By-Products Research Unit" in the Department of Storage Products, Agricultural Research Organization, at the the Volcani Center in Bet Dagan, Israel. This unit I headed until 2005.
During the course of my career I have published some 180 papers in scientific journals and Conference Proceedings, and have contributed chapters on forage and silage to 9 books.
You can obtain much detailed information on silage and forage preservation through the following links, and if you wish you may contact me directly.