Conservation of animal forage and by-products. FTIC Ltd.

"Development of alternatives to methyl bromide for insect control."

For several decades, Methyl Bromide has been a mainstay treatment to kill a wide array of quarantine pests as well as those encountered in orchards, packinghouses, and food plants. But this potent fumigant is now associated with depletion of the Earth's ozone and, under the terms of the Montreal Protocol it has been phased out in January of 2005 for Non-Article 5 (developed) countries, and will be phased out in the year 2015 for Article 5 (developing) countries, except for quarantine and pre-shipment fumigations.

Even though the Methyl Bromide Technical Options Committee (MBTOC) of the UNEP recognizes the problem of MB phase-out in Non-Article 5 countries, and in consequence, enables parties to submit requests for exemptions under circumstances where no technically or economically feasible alternative treatment to MB yet exists, the parties that submit these nominations must demonstrate that they are making intense efforts to search for suitable alternatives.

Members of FTIC have been active over recent years in searching for such viable alternatives to methyl bromide, and some of these are already being practiced in commerce. These solutions have a potential for adoption in many other circumstances and under a wide range of conditions.

The FTIC staff has the most advanced expertise to advice on appropriate insect pest control solutions to food industries on alternatives to chemical control in general and to methyl bromide in particular.

They include:

  • The use of vacuum for insect control (V-HF).
  • The use of heat.
  • The use of propylene oxide
  • The use of controlled atmospheres.
  • Combinations of the above treatments.

Further information on practical application of these alternatives may be obtained in the published literature of the FTIC staff.



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