Food Technology Information Center

Preservation of Grain in Hermetically Sealed Plastic Liners with Particular Reference to Storage of Barley in Cyprus

Shlomo NAVARRO¹, Andreas VARNAVA² and Ezra DONAHAYE¹

¹Department of Stored Products, Agricultural Research Organization, The Volcani Center, Bet Dagan, Israel
²Inspection Department, Cyprus Grain Commission, Nicosia, Cyprus

Abstract: In Cyprus, barley of 10% moisture content (m.c.) was stored on two concrete platforms covered with PVC liners. The floor of one platform was lined with polyethylene on which about 4,.WO tonnes of barley were stored for 9 months. On the second platform, 2,500 tonnes of barley were loaded directly on the concrete and stored for 7 months. Insect activity was controlled in the first platform within four months, but in the second platform was only partially suppressed. 'Moisture content remained stable except for the peak layer, where moisture migration caused a marked increase. Mold damaged barley unfit for consumption was 0.0088% and 0.1874% of the total quantity in the first and second platforms, respectively. Germination remained above 95% throughout the storage periods.

In Israel 15,567 tonnes of wheat of approximately 11% m.c. were stored for 15 months in a bunker bordered by earthen ramps using a PVC overliner and polyethylene underliner. Insect activity was suppressed and total damage from insects and molds were estimated at 0.15 and 0.06%, respectively. Moisture migration to the peak layer, particularly in the region of higher initial m.c., necessitated removal of damaged grain and affected germination and baking quality in that area. Elsewhere, germination averaged 95% and loaf volume was not lower than that of wheat under usual storage conditions.

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