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Technology of Forage and By-Products Conservation for Animals Feed

In modern life, all foods we consume are subjected to some technological treatment in order to preserve, refine, prepare for eating or extend their shelf life. These goals apply to farm animals' feed as well.

Historical development of human kind is strongly linked with ruminants: Cattle is common in temperated climates; Sheep, goats, and camels in desert and dry areas; Yaks and deer live in colder areas; and Lamas and Alpacas in high latitudes. Those ruminants were one of the key factors which enabled humans survival. In order to ensure health of livestock there is a necessity to ensure sufficient supply of feed and to develope the suited technologies that will enable it flourish all year around.

In order to fullfill the goal of constant feed supply, the feed must be preserved. There are several advantages for feed preservation:

  1. Preservation keeps sufficient stock of non-deteriorated nutritional forage.
  2. Preservation ensures continuous supply all year around independently of climate changes, enabling livestock survival during shortage.
  3. Preservation allows growing forage on the best recommended agricultural season as well as utilizing surplus and residues.
  4. Preservation allows growing forage in suitable areas and market them where needed.
  5. Preservation enables combining of by-products and organic residues to be utilized for producing suitable high nutricious feed while protecting the environment.

FTIC has years of experience on these topics and offers the following consulting and training services:

  1. FTIC provides consultation on feed centers planning and constructing.
  2. FTIC provides consultation on feed storage systems.
  3. FTIC professionally supports storage process in feed centers.
  4. FTIC provides professional reviews, solutions, and correcting actions for problems rising during food storage.
  5. FTIC provides professional expert opinions for insurance companies and legal needs regarding food storage for livestock.

Further information on these topics is available in a manual of forage and forage preservation and from my list of recent publications.