Food Technology International Consultancy. FTIC Ltd.

Current projects

The following are some examples of the nature of projects that FTIC Ltd., has accepted for realization, and also research proposals submitted to various funding sources. The list is intended to give you an idea of the scope of our actual and projected commitments.

1. Research and Development projects:

  • FTIC has placed a proposal to provide a turn-key project for the storage of some 250,000 tons of soybeans in Brazil. Soybeans are extremely sensitive to quality deterioration during storage and the project will employ cutting-edge technologies to prevent oxidization processes that are characteristic of storage under the extremely unfavorable local climatic conditions.
  • Storage of cassava and yams in 10 states of Nigeria. This project is under consideration in cooperation with GrainPro. It involves storage in one 2,000 m3 capacity warehouse per State. FTIC will provide the most feasible and technologically appropriate storage solutions according to the climatic conditions, in the target locations indicated by the Nigerian government. The storage solutions will be based on proper aeration, control of temperature and humidity of the stored commodity, and where possible the use of modified atmospheres or hermetic storage in specially designed laminates particularly developed for the safe storage of the products.
  • Combined carbon dioxide and heat treatment for the disinfestation of commodities such as dried fruits and spices are being developed on a commercial basis in Bet Shean.
  • The existing ban on methyl bromide fumigations in non-article 5 countries and the impending ban in article 5 countries urgently requires a search for alternative control treatments in situations where, until now, methyl bromide has provided the only solution. Such is the development, in the planning stage, by FTIC of a novel heat disinfestation system for use in flour conveying ducts in flourmills.

2. Consultancy projects and professional services:

  • Preparation of Critical Use Nominations (CUNs) for submission to the UNEP (Montreal Protocol) on behalf of the Ministry for Protection of the Environment of Israel. These CUNs relate to the critical uses of methyl bromide for structural fumigations and fumigation of stored products for the years 2007 and 2008. FTIC has submitted the CUNs to the MPE but remains responsible as referent in the case of feed-back requirements.
  • Design of aeration and chilling systems for installation in new silos, in the planning-stage of construction for the storage of feed grains in the south of Israel. A detailed proposal has been placed with the Engineers of the AMBAR feed Company for final consideration. Aeration system design requires a high level of expertise that involves both aspects of mechanical engineering and the physical aspects of grain in relation to heat exchange.
  • EUREKA "INOVARROZ" project in Portugal. FTIC will supply ancillary storage equipment, consultancy services and monitoring equipment for an EU funded project to develop the storage of organic rice under hermetic conditions. This project is now in the second phase of submission.
  • A company in Holland is interested in undertaking red chili-pepper processing in India for importation into Europe. FTIC has been asked to provide consultancy and supervision services for the establishment and implementation of an aflatoxin prevention and elimination strategy.
  • FTIC has been approached to assist in the storage of 200,000 tonnes of mustard seed in India to prevent quality loss. Partners in this project will be "GrainPro Ltd" a company specializing in the hermetic storage of grains inside flexible liners.
  • Heat treatment for the disinfestation of dates entering packing stations from date groves in the Bet Shean, Jordan nad Arava valleys is now being applied. This project is being carried out, based on research by the FTIC team and in cooperation with the Ministry for Protection of the Environment. All date packing stations in the Jordan and Arava valleys have been visited by FTIC personnel in order to provide this effective date disinfestation alternative to that of methyl bromide which is now banned under the Montreal Protocol. FTIC has provided the necessary parameters required to adapt their existing procedures to a technology involving the use of heat to disinfest and control insect pests at the point of entry into the packing stations.

3. International cooperation and extension activities:

  • The multi-linguistic capacities and many years of professional activity have endowed FTIC staff with a rich heritage of teaching experience that has found expression both in Israel and abroad. These have included international courses held in Israel, and "in-country" courses run by the "Department of International Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs" held in numerous developing countries.
  • Our staff, continue to participate as lecturers in courses for pest control operators run by the Ministry for Protection of the Environment. They are also active both in organizational and professional capacities in a number of international conferences such as the Controlled Atmosphere and Fumigation (CAF) Conference , and the Conference of the International Organization for Biological and Integrated Control (IOBC).
  • Before its recent foundation, certain members of the FTIC staff were responsible for the running of a one day Conference or seminar on food storage protection, held once a year over the last three years. The seminar attracts some 200 people from a range of professions including, food technicians, quality control officers, pest control operators, Civil servants from the Ministries of Health, Environment and Agriculture, the Standards Institute and others. The upcoming meeting will be under the auspices of the FTIC.





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