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30M.Emekci S.Navarro J.E.Donahaye M.Rindner A.Azrieli (2000)Respiration of Stored Product Pests in Hermetic Conditions
29J.E.Donahaye S.Navarro F.Caliboso G.Sabio G.Mallo J.Dator (2000)Prevention of Moisture Migration in Sealed Grain Stacks Stored in the Open in the Tropics Using Reflective Covers
28S.Navarro R.Dias A.Ferizli G.Ahmet F.Mansour (1999)Insect Repelling Food Packaging Materials (patent PCT.IL99.00354)
27J.E.Donahaye S.Navarro N.Paster M.Rindner A.Azrieli M.Menasherov D.Chemoguz R.Dias S.C.Andales F.M.Caliboso G.C.Sabio G.Mallo D.D.Julian E.C.Ablaza J.V.Dator (1999)Self Regulated Atmospheres to Prevent Fungal Damage in Moist Paddy
26S.Navarro J.E.Donahaye M.Rindner A.Azrieli R.Dias (1999)Protecting Grain Without Pesticides at the Farm Level in the Tropics
25J.E.Donahaye S.Navarro N.Paster F.A.Schultz F.M.Caliboso S.Andales (1999)Self Regulated Atmospheres to Prevent Fungal Damaqe in Moist Paddy
24S.Navarro J.E.Donahaye F.M.Caliboso G.Sabio (1998)Outdoor Storage of Corn and Paddy Using Sealed-Stacks in the Philippines
23S.Navarro J.E.Donahaye F.M.Caliboso G.Sabio (1998)A Sealed Granary for Use by Small-scale Farmers
22S.Navarro (1998)Pressure Tests Gaseous Applications in Sealed Storages_ Theory and Practice
21J.E.Donahaye S.Navarro M.Rindner A.Azrieli (1998)Sensitivity of the Greater Wax Moth Galleria Mellonella to Carbon Dioxide Enriched Modified Atmospheres
20S.Navarro (1997)Stored Crops_ The Search for Food Security
19J.E.Donahaye S.Navarro M.Rindner A.Azrieli (1996)The Combined Influence of Temperature and Modified Atmospheres on Tribolium Castaneum (Herbst) (Coleoptera_ Tenebrionidae)
18A.Varnava S.Navarro J.E.Donahaye (1995)Long-term Hermetic Storage of Barley in PVC-covered Concrete Platforms under Mediterranean Conditions
17S.Navarro J.E.Donahaye M.Rindner A.Azrieli F.M.Caliboso G.C.Sabio D.G.Alvindia A.Regpala J.Lavarias E.D.Davalos E.P.Casayuran (1995)Application of Modified Atmospheres Under Plastic Covers for Prevention of Losses in Stored Grain
16S.Navarro J.E.Donahaye S.Fishman (1994)The Future of Hermetic Storage of Dry Grains in Tropical and Subtropical Climates
15S.Navarro J.E.Donahaye M.Rindner (1994)The Influence of Temperature on the Semitivity of Two Nitidulid Beetles to Low Oxygen Concentrations
14J.E.Donahaye (1993)Biological Differences Between Strains of Tribolium Castaneum Selected for Resistance to Hypoxia and Hypercarbia, and the Unselected Strain
13S.Navarro A.Varnava J.E.Donahaye (1993)Preservation of Grain in Hermetically Sealed Plastic Liners with Particular Reference to Storage of Barley in Cyprus
12J.E.Donahaye M.Rindner (1993)Specifity of Induced Resistance to Hypoxia and Hypercarbia in Two Strains of Tribolium Castaneum (Herbst)
11J.E.Donahaye (1992)Physiological Differences Between Strains of Tribolium Castaneum Selected for Resistance to Hypoxia and Hypercarbia, and the Unselected Strain
10J.E.Donahaye D.Zalach M.Rindner (1992)Comparison of the Sensitivity of the Developmental Stages of Three Strains of the Red Flour Beetle (Coleoptera_ Tenebrionidae) to Modified Atmospheres
9J.E.Donahaye S.Navarro M.Rindner R.Dias (1992)Artificial Feeding Site to Investigate Emigration of Nitidulid Beetles from Dried Fruits
8J.E.Donahaye S.Navarro M.Rindner (1991)The Influence of Low Temperatures on Two Species of Carpophilus (Col,, Nitidulidae)
7J.E.Donahaye S.Navarro M.Rindner R.Dias (1991)The Influence of Different Treatments Causing Emigration of Nitidulid Beetles
6J.E.Donahaye S.Navarro A.Ziv Y.Blauschild D.Weerasinghe (1991)Storage of Paddy in Hermetically Sealed Plastic Liners in Sri Lanka
5S.Navarro J.E.Donahaye Y.Kashanchi V.Pisarev O.Bulbul (1984)Airtight Storage of Wheat in a PVC Covered Bunker
4P.Williams W.Minett S.Navarro T.G.Amos (1980)Sealing a Farm Silo For Insect Control Nitrogen Swamping or Fumigation
3S.Navarro M.Calderon (1980)Integrated Approach to the Use of Controlled Atmospheres for Insect Control in Grain Storage
2M.Calderon S.Navarro (1980)Synergistic Effect of COג‚‚ and Oג‚‚ Mixtures on Two Stored Grain Insect Pests
1S.Navarro M.Calderon (1972)Exposure of Ephestia Cautella (Wlk.) (Lepidoptera, Phycitidae) to Low Pressures_ Effects on Adults

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